David Cuff
Principal personal & professional development consultant at Towards People. Humanistic Counsellor at New Road Psychotherapy Centre, Brighton, UK. Former Professional Practice Lecturer at Kingston Business School, London & the School of Business & Law at the University of Brighton. Former Commercial Director of Virgin Media TV; Exec VP, Commercial of Telewest Flextech TV and Broadcast Director of Initiative Media. Business Affairs for Modern Toss TV & Cartoon productions. Interested in sustainable and regenerative business practice; improving human productivity; leadership for Collective Intelligence and application of AI / disruptive use of tec; producing for need; object oriented ontology. Leadership and people development skills trainer; individual coach and team process coach; commercial skills, professional selling and buying trainer; FIRO-B practitioner; mentoring trainer; and qualified teacher. Many years experience in creative and media sector including full service advertising; broadcasting; digital; TV production; animation; media buying/selling; media consultancy; media rights management ; business strategy and commercial development.